Julian & Mary's Mountaintop Engagement Session at the Peaks of Otter, Virginia
The wind was blowing ever so strong. The rocks below their feet were uneven. You could see for miles almost 360 degrees. Mary felt a bit lightheaded from their adventure up, but Julian held her tightly. They were back where they had one of their first dates together - Sharp Top Mountain. All we could see what Julian giving her encouragement through every moment.
Moving to another bolder, Mary cut her toe and it began to bleed. Once again, we were blown away with the tender care that Julian gave Mary, as he bent down to his knees and held a paper towel on her toe until it stopped bleeding. Then they danced the last few moments away, from what felt like the top of the world.
Julian & Mary met at church. He’s studying to be a pastor and she’s studying counseling. Deep down Mary always wanted to marry a pastor. As they plan their wedding they, admits a pandemic and studying to graduate, they also have taken it upon to lead a small group through the book of Galatians, with a heavy emphasis on context.
Rewind just a bit, they took a little adventure with her family to Monticello. Once they reached the west side of the house, Julian asked Mary to be his wife. She, of course, said yes. Afterwards they went and celebrated at a French local restaurant. “It was so sweet and thoughtful” - Mary
These two and their love is such a testimony. They proclaim love and healing with their lips and then in deed they follow it with the greatest of service. They trusted us to take them to the top of a mountain! We are blown away by every bit of who they are and the bravery that they displayed for us that day.
A little behind the scenes of what it took to get their images - Mary cut her foot pretty hard and Julian helped stop the bleeding while she ate a piece of chocolate. They are the real rockstars! They killed this session so good!
Behind the scenes
Mary cut her foot pretty badly on the mountaintop and Julian helped stop the bleeding while she ate a piece of chocolate. They are the real rockstars! They killed this session so good!
Whatever it takes
for Jonathan to get the shot!